Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts presents
Arte Latino
curated by Patricia Rodriguez
July 30 -
september 12, 2004
July 30, from
7:00 to 9:00pm
In the East Wing Gallery, the Sanchez Art
Center, in collaboration with the Mission Cultural Center for Latino
Arts in San Francisco, presents
“Arte Latino” an exhibition
curated by Patricia Rodriguez who is the Gallery Director and Curator at
the Mission Cultural Center.
Both the Mission Cultural and the Sanchez
Art Centers have rich exhibition programs and are two of the most
well-known community art centers in the Bay Area. The Mission Cultural
Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) was established in 1977 by artists and
community activists with a shared vision to promote, preserve and
develop the Latino cultural arts that reflect the living tradition and
experiences of Chicano, Central and South American, and Caribbean
people. The MCCLA makes the arts accessible as an essential element to
community development and well-being. As a community non-profit arts
organization, MCCLA prides itself in enriching, in a most unique way,
the cultural and artistic life of the Mission, San Francisco, and Bay
Area residents as well. In addition to their rich exhibition programs,
the Mission Cultural Center presents diverse arts education
opportunities for youth and seniors in music, dance, and visual art.
MCCLA is nationally recognized for the Mission Grafíca program offering
poster and printmaking services to the community along with offering
classes in silkscreen, etching and monoprint.
“Arte Latino” will present
prints, paintings, drawings and mixed media work by thirty artists who
have been involved with the Mission Cultural Center programs over the
past several years. Patricia Rodriguez states that
“Arte Latino” will begin to
provide an exchange of culture and art needed to raise the level of
understanding of Latino Art and to make art collaboration and sharing of
ideas, images, and ways of life exciting to enlighten others.”

Fran Valesco, Birdcall #11, 2003
Fernando Achucarro
Efren Alvarez
Susana Aragon
Sandra Bradman
Ivan E. Bran
Andres Cisneros-Galindo
Vladimir Cuevas
Sidnea D'Amico
Marcus Dorado
Alejandro Escudero
Hector Espinoza
Mariana Garibay R
Gabriela Lujan
Gonzalo J. Moreira
Mabel Negrete
Needoba Turner
Nathalia Orozco
Silvia Poloto
Michele Ramirez
Carlos A. Rampolta-Mora
Gustavo Reynoso
Calixto Robles
Mario Rosales
Ivan Rubio
Anna Morales Simson
Frances Valesco
Luis Vasquez-Gomez
Cristina Velazquez
Luis Arias Vera |