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(except opening Fridays & between exhibitions)

The galleries are open during intermissions:
Pacifica Performances


1220-B Linda Mar

Pacifica, CA 94044









50|50 Show, 16th Annual
Sept 6 - Oct 6, 2024

All Angles, Skyline College Art Faculty
July 12 - Aug 11, 2024

Food for Thought, Bay Area Artists of Color
July 12 - Aug 11, 2024

Treasure(s), Art Guild of Pacifica
July 12 - Aug 11, 2024

Chandrika Marla, Chromatic Edge
May 31 - June 30, 2024

Studio Art Quilt Associates, Prism Play: A Full Spectrum of Art Quilts
May 31 - June 30, 2024

Art Guild of Pacifica, Myth & Magic
May 31 - June 30, 2024

2024 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 12 - May 12, 2024

2023 Left Coast Annual Awards Exhibition
April 12 - May 12, 2024

Gary Bukovnik, Forever Spring
Feb 23 - Mar 24, 2024

Burlingame Plein Air Painters, Canopy, the Sheltering Trees
Feb 23 - Mar 24, 2024

Art Guild of Pacifica, The Four Seasons
Feb 23 - Mar 24, 2024

Foad Satterfield, Then Is Now, 1995 - 2003
Jan 19 - Feb 11, 2024

Fog Fest Photography Invitational
Jan 19 - Feb 11, 2024

Art Guild of Pacifica, Light & Shadow
Jan 19 - Feb 11, 2024


65th Annual AGP Members Show
Oct 20 - Nov 19, 2023

64th Annual Awards Exhibition
Oct 20 - Nov 19, 2023

50|50 Show, 15th Annual
Sept 8 - Oct 1, 2023

Dewey Crumpler, Fluidity
July 21 - Aug 20, 2023

Infinite Cage, 8 Bay Area-based Sino-diasporic contemporary artists
July 21 - Aug 20, 2023

Favorite Things, Art Guild of Pacifica
July 21 - Aug 20, 2023

Larger Than Life: The Artwork of Tony Natsoulas
June 9 - July 9, 2023

Resilience, adapting to challenging event
June 9 - July 9, 2023

Sea & Forest, Art Guild of Pacifica
June 9 - July 9, 2023

2023 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 14 - May 21, 2023

2022 LCA Exhibition Awards: Ric Ambrose + Tamera Avery
April 14 - May 21, 2023

Barbara Ramos, An Observant Eye
Feb 24 - Mar 26, 2023

Bay Area Basket Makers, Diversity
Feb 24 - Mar 26, 2023

Art Guild of Pacifica, Sitting Pretty
Feb 24 - Mar 26, 2023

Elaine Badgley Arnoux: Along the Way � The Space of Remembering
Jan 20 - Feb 12, 2023

Fog Fest Photography Invitational
Jan 20 - Feb 12, 2023

Dreams, Art Guild of Pacifica
Jan 20 - Feb 12, 2023


63rd Annual AGP Awards Exhibit
Oct 21 - Nov 20, 2022

64th Annual Members Show
Oct 21 - Nov 20, 2022

50|50 Show, 14th Annual
Sept 9 - Oct 10, 2022

Interconnections, Tiffany Schmierer
July 15 - Aug 14, 2022

Essential Truths, Bay Area Artists in Color, WriteNow SF
July 15 - Aug 14, 2022

Positively Beastly, Art Guild of Pacifica
July 15 - Aug 14, 2022

Gale Antokal, Intensity of Silence
June 3 - June 26, 2022

5 Wishes encouraging positive dialogue about death and dying
June 3 - June 26, 2022

Tell Me A Story, Art Guild of Pacifica
June 3 - June 26, 2022

2022 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 8 - May 15, 2022

Left Coast Annual 2021 Awards Exhibition
April 8 - May 15, 2022

The Tin Men, Robert Haemmerling & Dave Yoas
Feb 25 - Mar 20, 2022

Arbitrary & Capricious, Tangerine Arts
Feb 25 - Mar 20, 2022

Art Guild of Pacifica, Little Things
Feb 25 - Mar 20, 2022

Philo Northrup, The Male Glaze
Jan 21 - Feb 13, 2022

Studio Art Quilt Associates, Art Quilts 2
Jan 21 - Feb 13, 2022

Art Guild of Pacifica, Heart of the Matter
Jan 21 - Feb 13, 2022


62nd Annual AGP Awards Exhibit
Oct 29 - Dec 12, 2021

63rd Annual Members Show
Oct 29 - Dec 12, 2021

13th Annual 50|50 Show
Sept 10 - Oct 10, 2021

Welcome To My World, Urban Masks, Gregory Farrar Scott
July 16 - Aug 15, 2021

Extraction, Art on the Edge of the Abyss: Response to the Changing World Environment, California Society of Printmakers
July 16 - Aug 15, 2021

Restructured, Art Guild of Pacifica
July 16 - Aug 15, 2021

The Gang's All Here, Artists of Sanchez
June 4 - June 27, 2021

About Face, Art Guild of Pacifica
June 4 - June 27, 2021

2021 Left Coast Annual
April 9 - May 16, 2021

2020 Left Coast Annual Awards: Pilar Ag�ero-Esparza, Mark Seely
April 9 - May 16, 2021

Dance Doyle & Laura Corallo-Titus
February 12 - March 21, 2021

See Change, Creating space for fear free conversation about sea level rise
February 12 - March 21, 2021

Perspectives, Art Guild of Pacifica
February 12 - March 21, 2021


Art Guild of Pacifica, 62nd Annual Members Show
November 6 - December 13, 2020

Art Guild of Pacifica, 61st Annual Awards Artist Exhibition
November 6 - December 13, 2020

50|50 Show
September 18 - October 11, 2020

Loom & Shuttle Guild, 20/20 Woven Visions
July 10 - August 16, 2020

Art Guild of Pacifica, Pathways & Journeys
July 10 - August 16, 2020

Art x Nature x Art Virtual Gallery Popup
May 22 - July 3, 2020

Fog Fest Invitational Photography Exhibition
May 22 - July 3, 2020

Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition

Robert Ortbal, Marmalade
Feb 21 - Mar 22, 2020

Creativity Explored, Looking Forward to it
Feb 21 - Mar 22, 2020

Art Guild of Pacifica, Up Close
Feb 21 - Mar 22, 2020

Dee Hooker, Dag Weiser: A Messy World
Jan 10 - Feb 9, 2020

WEAD (Women Eco Artists Dialog), Feat to Fire: Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage
Jan 10 - Feb 9, 2020

Art Guild of Pacifica, Home
Jan 10 - Feb 9, 2020


Winter Art Faire
Dec 13 - 15, 2019

Art Guild of Pacifica's 61st Annual Members Show and 60th Exhibition Award Artists: Vadim Dymshyts, Nancy Hall, Andrew Leone, Glynis Takalo
Oct 11 - Nov 24, 2019

Open Studios
Nov 15 - 16, 2019

11th Annual 50|50 Show
Aug 30 - Sept 22, 2019

Creative Sovereignty: Recent Works by Gerald Clarke
July 12 - August 11, 2019

Along the Ohlone-Portola Trail
July 12 - August 11, 2019

AGP, Ancestry
July 12 - August 11, 2019

Insight: Paintings by Mike Henderson
May 31 - June 30, 2019

Fog Fest Invitational
May 31 - June 30, 2019

Art Guild of Pacifica - Unconscious
May 31 - June 30, 2019

2019 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
Apr 12 - May 19, 2019

2018 Left Coast Awards Exhibition
Apr 12 - May 19, 2019

Maija Peeples-Bright, Beasties Become Maija
Feb 22 - Mar 24, 2019

Skyline College Student Invitational
Feb 22 - Mar 24, 2019

Art Guild of Pacifica, On the Road
Feb 22 - Mar 24, 2019

r.r. jones, Face to Face
Jan 11 - Feb 10, 2019

California Indigenous Resilience
Jan 11 - Feb 10, 2019

Art Guild of Pacifica, The Blues
Jan 11 - Feb 10, 2019


Art Guild of Pacifica's Winter Art Faire
December 7 - 9, 2018

Art Guild of Pacifica's 60th Annual Members Show and Art Guild of Pacifica's 59th Exhibition Award Artists:
Laura Lee Green, Alice Kelmon, Andrew Leone, Rick Lucia

Oct 12-Nov 18, 2018

10th Annual 50|50 Show
Aug 31 - Sept 23, 2018

Marc D'Estout & Silvia Poloto, Cryptic Intersection
July 13-August 12, 2018

Pacifica School District Invitational
July 13-August 12, 2018

AGP, Letters / Numbers / Symbols
July 13-August 12, 2018

Mark Eanes, Layers
Jun 1-Jul 1, 2018

Fog Fest Invitational
Jun 1-Jul 1, 2018

Art Guild of Pacifica, Wild
Jun 1-Jul 1, 2018

2018 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
Apr 13�May 20, 2018

2017 Left Coast Awards Exhibition: Christine Atkinson & Tyrell Collins
Apr 13�May 20, 2018

Hung Liu, All Over the Map
Feb 23�Mar 25, 2018

Women's Caucus for Art, A Room of Her Own: Beyond a Pretty Picture
Feb 23�Mar 25, 2018

Art Guild of Pacifica, Soundtracks
Feb 23�Mar 25, 2018

Sara Friedlander, American Women: Birds of im/Migration
Jan 12�Feb 11, 2018

Sanchez Studio Artists, EARTH MATTERS
Jan 12�Feb 11, 2018

Art Guild of Pacifica, (un)Finished
Jan 12�Feb 11, 2018


Art Guild of Pacifica's Winter Art Faire
December 8-10, 2017

Art Guild of Pacifica's 59th Annual Members Show and Art Guild of Pacifica's 58th Exhibition Award Artists:
Deborah Corsini, Denny Holland, Jenny Kahn, Julie Stock

Oct 20-Nov 12, 2017

50|50 Show
Sept 1-Oct 1, 2017

G.L.U.E. Group, What Becomes Home
July 14-August 13, 2017

Burlingame Plein Air Painters, Open Air
July 14-August 13, 2017

AGP, Wanderlust
July 14-August 13, 2017

A Colorful Life: Mary Harris at 100
June 2 - 25, 2017

Fog Fest Invitational
June 2 - 25, 2017

Art Guild of Pacifica, Legends and Legacies
June 2 - 25, 2017

2017 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
Apr 21 - May 21, 2017

Andrea Borsuk & Victoria May, 2016 LCA Awards Exhibition
Apr 21 - May 21, 2017

Helge Ternsten, It Is What It Isn't
Mar 3 - Apr 2, 2017

Coastside Invitational, Skyline College & Westmoor High School
Mar 3 - Apr 2, 2017

Art Guild of Pacifica, Lost & Found
Mar 3 - Apr 2, 2017

James Shefik, It Can Happen Here
Jan 13 - Feb 12, 2017

Loom & Shuttle Guild, Woven Together: Experience & Expression
Jan 13 - Feb 12, 2017

Art Guild of Pacifica, Bewilder, Be Wilder
Jan 13 - Feb 12, 2017


Art Guild of Pacifica's Galleria
December 2 � 11, 2016

Art Guild of Pacifica's 58th Annual Members Show and 57th Annual Awards Artists: Joel Fontaine, Charles Dennis McDevitt, Nancy Mona Russell, Wendy Thieler
October 7�November 13, 2016

50|50 Show
August 26�September 18, 2016

Maria Porges, F(r)iction
July 8-August 7, 2016

The Collage Underground, Random Encounters
July 8-August 7, 2016

AGP, Sign of the Times
July 8-August 7, 2016

John Yoyogi Fortes, Hell 2 Pay and Other Works
June 3-26, 2016

Kids & Art, Colors of Healing
June 3-26, 2016

AGP, Not for Real
June 3-26, 2016

2016 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 15-May 22, 2016

2015 LCA Awards Exhibition: Lydia Rae Black, Lisa Hochstein
April 15-May 22, 2016

RYDELL 3: Jody Alexander, Jim Denevan, Elizabeth Stephens
March 4-April 3, 2016

Veterans Art Guild Exhibit
March 4-April 3, 2016

AGP: Buddy Show
March 4-April 3, 2016

Rosemary Allen, COLOR
January 15-February 21, 2016

AGP, Seeing Red
January 15-February 21, 2016

Fog Fest Invitational
January 15-February 21, 2016


Art Guild of Pacifica's Galleria
December 5 � 13, 2015

Art Guild of Pacifica's 57th Annual Members Show
Art Guild of Pacifica's 56th AGP Annual Awards Artists: Eunice Chan, Mehran Ghaffari, Rig Terrell, Samantha Tripp
October 9-November 15, 2015

50|50 Show
August 28�September 20, 2015

Igor Josifov, Taming Fire
July 10-August 16, 2015

Sanchez Studio Artists 2015
July 10-August 16, 2015

AGP, Less Is More
July 10-August 16, 2015

Sam Perry, Curve
May 29-June 28, 2015

Create Art Collective, Together, We Create!
May 29-June 28, 2015

AGP, Outside the Box
May 29-June 28, 2015

2015 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 10-May 17, 2015

2014 LCA Awards Exhibition: Joni Marie Theodorsen, Anna Valdez
April 10-May 17, 2015

Ward Schumaker, do | undo
February 27-March 29, 2015

Printmakers - San Francisco Art Institute
February 27-March 29, 2015

AGP, Apolitical, Be Political
February 27-March 29, 2015

Angela Pryor, Story of the Defeated
January 16-February 15, 2015

Fog Fest Invitational
January 16-February 15, 2015

AGP, Love and Loss
January 16-February 15, 2015


Art Guild of Pacifica's Galleria
December 6 - 14, 2014

56th Annual Art Guild of Pacifica Members Exhibition and 55th AGP Exhibition Award Winners
October 17�November 16, 2014

50|50 Show
August 22�September 28, 2014

GALE WAGNER: Free Flight / Free Spirit
July 11-August 10, 2014

Runes Revealed
July 11-August 10, 2014

Full Circle
July 11-August 10, 2014

ROBERT ARMSTRONG: A Conjunction of Punctuative Emunctories
May 30-June 29, 2014

Veterans Art Guild
May 30-June 29, 2014

Artistic License
May 30-June 29, 2014

2014 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 11-May 18, 2014

2013 LCA Awards Exhibition
April 11-May 18, 2014

Pierre Merkl III: Scenes, Schemes, and Genes (Skeins)
February 21-March 30, 2014

Galen Wolf: A Brush with History
February 21-March 30, 2014

February 21-March 30, 2014

Cautionary Tales Reconsidered
January 10-February 9, 2014

2013 Fog Fest Foto Winners
January 10-February 9, 2014

Wishes Are Dreams
January 10-February 9, 2014


Art Guild of Pacifica's Galleria
December 6 - 15, 2013

55th Annual Art Guild of Pacifica Members Exhibition and Winners of the 54th AGP Members Show
October 11 - November 17, 2013

50-50 Show
August 23 - September 29, 2013

The Works of Wanxin Zhang
July 12 - August 11, 2013

Shifting the Body: Explorations from the Female Perspective
July 12 - August 11, 2013

Regrets Only
July 12 - August 11, 2013

Garry Knox Bennett: Selected Works—A Broad Spectrum, 1963-2013
May 31-June 30, 2013

Norman & Jean Moore Collection: Latin American Artists from the 60s & 70s
May 31-June 30, 2013

Anything Goes
May 31-June 30, 2013

2013 Left Coast Annual
April 12-May 19, 2013

2012 Left Coast Exhibition Winners
April 12-May 19, 2013

The Inferno (Cantos 8 - 17)
February 22 - March 30, 2013

Women Who Broke The Rules
February 22 - March 30, 2013

Windows to the Soul
February 22 - March 30, 2013

The Amazing Paintings Of Arthur Bell
January 11-February 10, 2013

Winter Salon
January 11-February 10, 2013

January 11-February 10, 2013


Art Guild of Pacifica�s Galleria
November 30 � December 16, 2012

Art Guild of Pacifica�s 54th Annual Membership Show
October 12 � November 18, 2012

50-50 Show
August 24�September 30, 2012

The Daily Entwine: Musings and Meditations on Earth
July 13-August 12, 2012

July 13-August 12, 2012

Tell Me A Story
July 13-August 12, 2012

Rydell Visual Arts Fellows: Andrea Borsuk, Tim Craighead Victoria May, Andy Ruble
June 1-July 1, 2012

20th Annual Art with Elders (AWE) Exhibit
June 1-July 1, 2012

Buddy Show
June 1-July 1, 2012

2012 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition
April 13-May 20, 2012
Click here for DeWitt Cheng's blog with photos from the 2012 Left Coast Annual.
Click here for Left Coast Annual award winners.

Arts on Fire XV Awards Exhibition
April 13-May 20, 2012

Signs of Life
February 24-April 1, 2012

Different Colors 4
February 24-April 1, 2012

February 24-April 1, 2012

Tom Holland
January 13-February 12, 2012

Memorandum to Light from Shadows
January 13-February 12, 2012

Something Edgy
January 13-February 12, 2012


2011 Art Guild of Pacifica Open House
December 2-4, 2011

Art Guild of Pacifica's 53rd Annual Members Exhibition & 52nd Annual Awards Exhibition
October 14-November 20, 2011

50-50 Show III
August 26-October 2, 2011

Mining the Cracks, Drips, and Markings
July 8-August 14, 2011
Artists' Talk, August 14, 2011

July 8-August 14, 2011

July 8-August 14, 2011

Jack Ogden
May 27-June 26, 2011

California Grown
May 27-June 26, 2011

May 27-June 26, 2011

Arts on Fire XV Juried Exhibition
April 8-May 15, 2011

Arts on Fire XIV Awards Exhibition
April 8-May 15, 2011

Robert Hudson: Recent Work
February 25-March 27, 2011

Fresh Paint
February 25-March 27, 2011

February 25-March 27, 2011

Painting from the Wrong Side of the Brain
January 14-February 13, 2011

Editions & Additions
January 14-February 13, 2011

All About Me
January 14-February 13, 2011


2010 Pacifia Open Walls/Open Studios
December 3-12, 2010

2010 Bay Area Annual - Juried Exhibition
October 29-November 21, 2010

CCA Alumni Exhibition
October 29-November 21, 2010

Art Guild of Pacifica's 52nd Annual Members Exhibition
September 10-October 17, 2010

Art Guild of Pacifica's 51st Annual Awards Exhibition
September 10-October 17, 2010

50-50 Show II
July 30-August 29, 2010

Rydell Visual Arts Fellows:
William "Skip" Epperson, Terri Garland, Felicia Rice, and Daniella Woolf

June 25-July 18, 2010

Changing Visions
June 25-July 18, 2010

Buddy Show
June 25-July 18, 2010

May 21-June 13, 2010

Digital Mural Project
May 21-June 13, 2010

YTREBIL: Prints & Drawings by Enrique Chagoya
May 21-June 13, 2010

Arts on Fire XIII Awards Exhibition
April 9 - May 9, 2010

Arts on Fire XIV
April 9 - May 9, 2010

Thrown Out: Art from the San Francisco Dump
February 26 - March 28, 2010

1 in 100: America Behind Bars
February 26 - March 28, 2010

Kay Marshall: Dogs of War
February 26 - March 28, 2010

Déjà Vu - Art Guild of Pacifica
February 26 - March 28, 2010

Alan Osborne: Enamels and Bronzes
January 15 - February 14, 2010

January 15 - February 14, 2010

Coastside Invitational
January 15 - February 14, 2010

Young at Art & Sanchez Goes to School
January 15 - February 14, 2010


Small Works & Open Studios
December 11 - December 13, 2009

2009 Bay Area Annual Juried Exhibition
October 30 - December 5, 2009

Angels: Artists Imagine the Invisible
October 30 - December 5, 2009

Art Guild of Pacifica's 51st Annual Exhibition
& 50th Annual Awards Exhibition

September 11 - October 17, 2009

50/50 Show
July 24 - August 29, 2009

Joshua Greenberg: A Selective Survey
Curated by Phil Linhares
June 5 - July 11, 2009

Art Guild of Pacifica
June 5 - July 11, 2009

Small Hands, Big Picture
The Sanchez Goes to School Program
June 5 - July 11, 2009

Arts on Fire XIII
April 17 - May 30, 2009

Arts on Fire XII Award Winners
April 17 - May 30, 2009

Coastside Invitational &Young at Art!
February 27 - April 4, 2009

Art Guild of Pacifica - Buddy Show
February 27 - April 4, 2009

Renée Carriere
Time and Distance
February 27 - April 4, 2009

M. Louise Stanley
Risking Ridicule (does it really matter?)
January 16 - February 21, 2009

Art Guild of Pacifica - Anything Goes
January 16 - February 21, 2009

German American Artists
January 16 - February 21, 2009


Juried by Maria Medua, Director, SFMOMA Artists Gallery
October 24 - November 22, 2008

Surf's Up!
The art, influence & history of California coastal culture
October 24 - November 22, 2008

2007 Art Guild Award Winners' Exhibition
Kathy Miller, Annette Poitau, Cynthia Rettig & Georgia Storti
Awards selected by Don Soker, Don Soker Gallery, San Francisco
September 12 - October 18, 2008

50th Annual Art Guild of Pacifica Exhibition
Awards selected by Jack Fischer, Jack Fischer Gallery, San Francisco
September 12 - October 18, 2008

Rydell Visual Arts Fellows
Curator: Susan Hill house, Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History
Artists: Beverly Rayner, Hanna Hannah, Robert Larson, William Marino
July 18 - September 6, 2008

Apolitical, Be Political
Art Guild of Pacifica
July 18 - September 6, 2008

Different Colors III
ArtReach Studios & The Arc of San Francisco
July 18 - September 6, 2008

Ashes to Life - A Portuguese American Story in Art
Nathan Oliveira, John Mattos, Mel Ramos, João De Brito
June 6 - July 12, 2008

Surf, Turf & Plunder
Presented by the Art Guild of Pacifica
June 6 - July 12, 2008

Art Is My Bag
Curated by Cheryl Coon
June 6 - July 12, 2008

Arts on Fire XII
Exhibition Juried by Scott Shields
April 25 - May 31, 2008

Arts on Fire XI Awards Exhibition
Selected by Peter Selz: Alexandra Ostroff & Zachary Williams
April 25 - May 31, 2008

Gregory Kondos
Passion for the Land
February 29 - April 12, 2008

Art Guild of Pacifica - Anything Goes
February 29 - April 12, 2008

LocalVision 2008
Photography curated by Marty Springer
February 29 - April 12, 2008


John Toki
Echoes of the Earth
January 11 - February 23, 2008

Coastside Student Invitational
Ceramics and Mosaics
January 11 - February 23, 2008

The Trouble with Love
An Exhibit by the Art Guild of Pacifica
January 11 - February 23, 2008

2007 Pacifica Open Studios
December 8 - 9, 2007

2007 Bay Area Annual
Juror, René de Guzman
October 19 - November 17, 2007

Young at Art
Annual Celebration Of Young Artists From the Bay Area
October 19 - November 17, 2007

Russian Children Charity Exhibition
October 19 - November 17, 2007

2006 Art Guild Award Winners' Exhibition
September 7 - October 13, 2007
Presenting: Kathy Dybeck
  Gaby Hilderbrandt
  Jean Lannen
  Judy Quittoriano

49th Annual Art Guild of Pacifica Exhibition
September 7 - October 13, 2007

Coastal Art Commission - Coastal Art & Poetry Contest
July 20 - August 25

Binh Danh
Jungles of Memory
July 20 - August 19

Art Guild of Pacifica - Black & White and Color - Art and Poetry
July 20 - August 25

Americas as Source
Curator: Marian Parmenter

June 8 - July 14
Artists: Sidnea D'Amico
  Germán Herrera
  Kathryn Kain
  Michele Muennig

Works by 47 California Artists

Juried by Peter Selz
April 27 - June 2, 2007

Tom Bills & Theodora Varnay Jones
Curated by Don Soker

March 2 - April 14

Joe Slusky
January 12 - February 24


2006 Bay Area Annual
juried by
Karen Kienzle
Curator, de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University
October 20 - November 18, 2006

2006 Young at Art with Coastal Art & Poetry
October 20 - November 18, 2006

48th Annual Art Guild of Pacifica Exhibition
September 8 - October 14, 2006

Ann Weber
June 9 - July 15, 2006

Apolitical Be Political
June 9 - July 15, 2006

June 9 - July 15, 2006

Arts on Fire X - Artists
Arts on Fire X
- Performers
juried by Larry Rinder
Dean of Graduate Studies, California College of the Arts
April 28 - June 3, 2006

Mark Jurasin & Jane Woolverton
Arts on Fire 9 Awards
selected by Susan Hillhouse
April 28 - June 3, 2006

June & Susan Felter, Pixels & Paint
curated by Susan Hillhouse
March 3 - April 8, 2006

Organic Matters
curated by Cheryl Coon
March 3 - April 8, 2006

Susan Matthews, Niger Paintings
January 13
February 25, 2006


A Different View
curated by Alida Bray

Shelley Gardner & Drew Goings, Arts on Fire Awards Exhibition

Six At Sanchez - Tangerine Arts

All About Me
coordinated by Gale Frances

Arts on Fire 9
juried by Susan Hillhouse, Curator, Triton Museum

Pseudo Science: Bernie Lubell & Michael C. McMillen
curated by Philip Linhares, Chief Curator, Oakland Museum of California

Solo Exhibitions: John Andreas, Seth Eisen, Tanya Lin Jaffe

47th Annual - Art Guild of Pacifica Exhibiton

2005 Bay Area Annual - juried by Karen Tsujimoto, Senior Curator, Oakland Museum of California

Art Guild of Pacifica - Small Works

Young At Art


California Printmakers - juried by Simon Blattner

Fiber Dimensions & Context

46th Annual - Art Guild of Pacifica, coordinated by Taryn Smith

Young At Art

Inez Storer

Arte Latino - Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts

Apolitical Be Political, curated by Bill Gallo

Michelle Waters - Arts On Fire VII, Award Exhibition

Laura Parker

OneTrees, with Pond, San Francisco

Buddy Show

Arts On Fire 8
juried by Jack Rasmussen, Executive Director, di Rosa Preserve